Monday, November 13, 2006

Cellphone Etiquettes

We all have been either annoyed, disturbed or irritated with them. You know? Those crazy cellphone users who trounce around talking into their cellphone thinking that the world is their private conference room. Whether it be at a restaurant, movie theatre, or in a library, no place is safe from their babbling. If there is a cellphone signal you can expect to find them. The frightening thing is that most don't even realize how annoying they actually are. Thus, this article will cover some basic cellphone etiquettes that every cellphone user should know.

Talk At A Normal Tone

Many cellphone users think that it is some how better to shout into a cellphone. Apparently they perceive higher voice levels with a better cellphone signal strength. Rather than shouting, when you can't hear the other person, why not go outside or in a area with a better signal strength?

Choose The Vibrate Mode Over Ringer

I can not see any situation, apart from broadcasting your latest downloaded ringtone, that would compel you to choose the ringer over the vibration mode. The vibration mode does the same thing that the ringer was originally intended for, it alerts you when you have an incoming call, however unlike the ringer this mode is less annoying.

Remove The Earpiece

Another annoyance is the number of cellphone users who insist on talking with you while having their ear piece on. You are consistently being placed on hold in mid conservation only to hear the ramblings of another semi-private conversation. If you have to take the call, at the very least notify the other party, that way there is no awkwardness. There is nothing worse than trying not to make eye contact with someone across from you who is not talking to you.

Avoid Talking With Someone When On The Cell

Avoid talking on the cellphone when you know you are going to be talking with someone, such as at a restaurant. Nodding and hand signalling to the waiter while on the phone is extremely rude, it suggests that you are too busy to even be bothered with acknowledging their the presence. In doing so you open yourself to poisoning?

Text Message More

If you have to communicate with another person while at a public area, than try to use one of the many instant messaging clients available on today's cellphones. Not only is text messaging less rude, it saves all off us from hearing your conversation, it is also very efficient. You are more inclined to get straight to the point via text messaging than talking.

Use Voice Mail Feature More

There is nothing wrong in turning off a cellphone or missing a call. If a call is really important then the caller is more inclined to leave back a voice message. Many sensible people understand that not all people can be reached 24/7, after all you are not a receptionist or customer service rep.

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